Friends of Skokloster Castle
You can become a member of Friends of Skokloster Castle. As a member, you have access to unique presentations, guided tours, travel and study visits in Sweden and Europe with Skokloster Castle as the key element.
The association Friends of Skokloster Castle was founded in March 1998 “to stimulate, deepen and widen national and international knowledge about and interest in Skokloster Castle”. As member, you will be invited to take part in special guided tours of the castle, presentations, travel to Swedish castles and stately houses and parties in the castle environment.

- Free entrance to Skokloster Castle, including exhibitions (guided tours are not included in the membership)
- 20 percent discount on Skokloster Castle's own range in the museum shop.
- 50 percent discount on the programmes that Skokloster Castle itself organises, such as presentations
- Invitations to exhibition pre-opening days and special events.
- Newsletter with offers to your email.
Membership fees
- Family membership SEK 450 a year
- Individual membership SEK 300 a year
- Student membership SEK 150 a year
- Company membership SEK 5,000 a year
Paying membership fees
You can pay membership fees by plusgiro or swish. State your name, address, email address and telephone number.
Plusgiro: 139 95 15-4
Swish: 123 60 40 166
The board
- Christer Nilsson, Chair
- Göran Holmberg, Treasurer
- Marie Deijfen, Secretary
- Susanne Öhqvist
- Bengt Kylsberg
- Richard von Essen
- Charlotta Medin
- Jessica Söderqvist, Museum Director
- Ingemar Nordström
- Maria Nordström
Nominating committee
- Göran Huldtgren, convener
- Magnus Berg
- Christina Florén