Two children playing in the Paradise Playground.
Photo: Ola Myrin, Skokloster Castle/SHM.
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The Paradise Playground

Welcome to our brand new, historic playground on the south side of the castle. We call this green haven next to the castle the paradise, Paradiset. Here you can explore nature and learn more about what was grown at Skokloster once upon a time. You can also play in the gazebo, ride a wooden horse and cart, and balance on tools!

Playground Paradiset got its name from a small building that already exists on the site. The play modules for the playground are unique and artistically designed units with connections to the history of the area from the 17th century to the 20th century. They are created by the artist and playground specialist Tor Svae and his company Torsk Produktion.

Playground Paradiset is available all year round for both families and schools, both during and after the castle's opening hours. During the summer there is also a museum host responsible for educational activities.

Two children playing in the Paradise Playground.
Photo: Ola Myrin, Skoklosters Castle/SHM.

Tram and large tools

The playground includes a gazebo based on a small wooden model from the 17th century that is part of the castle collections, and a horse-drawn tram based on the carriages that used to transport visitors around the estate during the 20th century. There is also a balance course consisting of oversized tools inspired by the real tools that are preserved inside the castle, such as a planer, saw and chisel.

Cultivation for young gardeners

The playground also consists of a smaller greenhouse, like those that have previously existed on the site, as well as some raised flower and vegetable beds. The plantations will recreate a representative selection of the plants that have existed at Skokloster from the 17th century until the present day. The playground is enclosed by a hedge of hops.

Both the playground and the educational activities summertime are free of charge.

A child watering plants in a raised bed in the Paradise Playground.
Photo: Jens Mohr, Skokloster Castle/SHM.

We would like to thank our donors and partners who have contributed to The Paradise Playground: