An exhibition that blended art and craftsmanship with a passionate commitment to ethical fashion and human rights.
Hendrik Kerstens (born 1956) is a Dutch photographer best known for his fascinating historical portrait series. Now the photographs are displayed for the first time in Sweden at Skokloster Castle.
The exhibition The park of dreams - The baroque’s longing for splendour, delight and diversion described the extravagant plans.
In the exhibition Jane Austen’s world, the costumes open the doors to descriptions of lifestyle, dilemmas and fashion around 1800.
In 2016, the Vasa Museum’s exhibition Meanwhile was supplemented with artefacts from Skokloster Castle.
In the exhibition, visitors could get to know one of the most powerful families of a time when Sweden was a great power!
An exhibition about something grand. Welcome to the baroque party!
In the photo series "A Frozen Tale", which was exhibited at Skokloster Castle in summer 2014.
The well-known painting Vertumnus by Giuseppe Arcimboldo was the centrepoint of Skokloster Castle’s big summer exhibition in 2014.
Seven people from the world of media, art and design had a free choice of their favourite artefacts from the castle’s collections, one of the world’s foremost baroque castles with an extravagance rarely seen.
Baroque? was the name of a major summer exhibition at Skokloster Castle in 2012.