Conserving Canvas – Skokloster Summer Institute
A total of 16 professional conservators and curators had the opportunity to participate in this 13-day seminar. Lectures and workshops on conservation and collection management were led by an international group of experienced specialists in the field.
The seminar was led by Skokloster Castle’s conservation officer Ann-Cathrin Rothlind as project manager and curator Annika Williams, who was responsible for the programme.

Photo: Jens Mohr, Skokloster Castle/SHM.
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Getty is a cultural and philanthropic institution dedicated to the presentation, conservation, and interpretation of the world’s artistic legacy. Through the collective and individual work of its constituent programs—Getty Conservation Institute, Getty Foundation, J. Paul Getty Museum, and Getty Research Institute – Getty pursues its mission in Los Angeles and throughout the world, serving both the general interested public and a wide range of professional communities in order to promote a vital civil society through an understanding of the visual arts.