drone view over the castle

Movie: Daniel Gustafsson, Skokloster Castle/SHM

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  3. Summer at the Castle 2024

Summer at the Castle

Want to do a day trip outside Stockholm this summer? Welcome to Skokloster Castle! The castle is located on the shores of Lake Mälaren, close to Stockholm and Uppsala. The castle are open June 1 to September 1 with castle tours, exhibitions, children's activities and castle café.

Admission and Tickets

Adults: SEK 120
Children up to 19: Free admission
Guided tour: SEK 170 (includes entrance fee)

Program during summer

Guided tourDaily between June 1 - September 1

Guided tours

Meet count Carl Gustaf Wrangel and countess Anna Margareta von Haugwitz who had the castle built in the mid 17th century and get to know the people who lived and worked at Skokloster over the years. The guided tours takes approximately 45 minutes.


There is a ramp at the entrance to the castle's ground floor with a shop, exhibition, and café. In the other parts of the castle, there is no ramp or elevator. There are many stairs to climb, and during the tour, we will visit all four floors of the castle.

About tours and accessibility

Price guided tours

Adult: SEK 170 (admission included in the price)
Children up to 19 years of age: free admission

Dates and times for guided tours

Two children playing in the Paradise Playground.
The Paradise Playground. Photo: Ola Myrin, Skokloster Castle/SHM.
Children and families6 June – 18 August

Children's activities in The Paradise Playground

Welcome to our brand new historical play area on the south side of the castle. We call this lush spot next to the castle "Paradiset". Here, you can explore nature and learn more about what was once cultivated at Skokloster. You can also play in the pavilion and ride in a horse-drawn carriage.

About the Paradise Playground

Children planting crops and flowers.
Plant raising in The Paradise Playground. Photo: Jens Mohr, Skokloster Castle/SHM.

Summer exhibitions

We offer two temporary exhibitions during the summer. The exhibitions are included in the entrance fee.

Acclaimed couture designer is exhibiting this summer

The internationally renowned fashion designer and artist Louise Xin is exhibiting her couture creations in the castle's gallery starting from June 14th.

Louise Xin poses on a rooftop in Paris wearing one of her creations.
Photo: Ellen Simone.
EventJuly 27-28

Tournament and medieval market with Nordic Knights

Together with the Nordic Knights, we are organising a family adventure at the castle. Jousting tournament, medieval market, black powder shooting and much more.

Admission and Tickets to the Tournament

  • Children 7-12 years of age: SEK 20
  • Youth 11-16 years of age: SEK 80
  • Adults from 17 years of age: SEK 250
  • Senior citizens: SEK 80

Admission and Tickets to the Castle

Admission to the museum is additional and purchased on site. Show your purchased ticket for the jousting and get a 50 percent discount on admission to Skokloster Castle.

Buy tickets to the tournament at Tickster:

Ball guests dance wearing historical clothing.
Empire-era ball. Photo: Viveka Sjölund.
EventAugust 17, at 16.00

Empire-era ball

Welcome to the Empire-era ball at Skokloster Castle! The year is 1804 and we are transforming the ground floor into a grand ballroom. We begin at 16.00 with a display of the latest fashion from the Empire period, then visit the church before reconvening at the castle at 18.00. After a welcome toast, the musicians will start the dance. During the evening, there will be a supper and dessert table, as well as a tour through the castle. This event is in collaboration with the Sällskapet Gustafs skål och Empirsällskapet.

Dress code

Dress in suits and ball gowns inspired by fashion from the nineteenth century.

Book tickets to the ball

Tickets: SEK 995

The ticket price includes a welcome toast, supper, dessert table, and coffee. Bring your own booze.

Buy tickets to the Empire-era ball

Bus trip from Stockholm city to Skokloster Castle

Price: SEK 250

The bus departs at 17.00 from the City Terminal in Stockholm City and returns from Skokloster Castle at 01.00. Book the bus ticket separately on Tickster.

Preparatory dance training

Date: Thursday, August 15 from 17.30 to 20.00.

Location: The Swedish History Museum. No pre-registration required. Payment is made at the door.